Tuesday, June 20, 2017


English, Geography and P.E

This year hasn't turned out as bad as I thought it was gonna, every body said that third grade is the worst, very complicated. As I got scared of me failing subjects I studied hard and things have gone quite well. I think that in English I have improved my british vocabulary, and grammar also went quite good. In my opinion geography this year was great, because we have learnt lots of new things and it wasn't as boring as other years, though I prefer history not geography. In P.E I've gotten better in running for a long period of time. I thyink I have to improve my translation in English and my flexibility in P.E.
I hope next year I have the same teachers and the same classmates although we have had some arguments

Monday, June 19, 2017

Third term vocabulary

Ring pulls: A ring that is pulled to break the seal in order to open it
Vending machine: It dispenses food, drinks cigarettes, etc when money is introduced
Clamshell phone/Flip phone:
Youth: The conditiojn of being young
Keen on/ Fond of: Very interested, eager, or wanting (to do) something very much
Eye-catching: Very attractive or noticeable
Breathtaking: Extremely exciting, beautiful or surprising
Can't stand..: To hate someone or something
Commuter: Person who travels to work over an appreciable distance
Unbearable: That it can not be tolarated
Argue: To present reasons for or against a thing
Vain: Overly proud of or concerned about one's own appearence, qualities, achivements, etc
Tell off: To speak angrily to someone because they did something wrong
Look up to: Admire
Put up with: To accept an unpleasant situation or experience, or someone who behaves unpleasentlyç
Turn to: To ask a person for help or supportç
Fall out: To argue with someone
Get on well with: to have a good relationship with someone
Pick on: To treat someone unfairly or criticize him
A win-win situation: It is the situation in which every body that is involved wins

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

3rd Term Project


My advertisement is of  "El Perelló", hope you enjoy it.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Simple day-to-day ways to protect our enviroment


Bring your own bag: Instead of buying a new bag each time you go shopping joust take your own bag, this tip will save you money and it will help our planet
Reuse books: It is better to take books from libraries instead of buying each time a book. This will save you money and it will help to preserve our planet
Less cars: Use bikes or go walking to places that are near, this will reduce the pollution and it will help to keep you in good health. If the places where you have to go are too far to go walking or in bike, you can take the bus
Give your garden a good breakfast: Coffee grounds and eggshells are very good for your plants. This way you produce less waste, you reuse and your garden will be better

Friday, March 31, 2017

The only thing missing in here is that nonmetallic are classified into construction and industrial
5 examples of metallic: Iron, aluminum, gold, silver and platinum
All of construction examples: Limestone, clay, gypsum and marble
2 examples of industrial: Salt and sulphur

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Self Assesment


I can describe pictures with out having any trouble or getting stuck. I think one of my favorite things were the games that we did at 7th hour with Clarissa, because while you play and have fun with out noticing it, you are learning. I think I did quite good the oral exams, although I have to admit my English level and pronunciation has gone down a lot through the years. In the only thing that I am a little confused is knowing the fish and the fruits and vegetables. I practice English at home with my family and I watch some movies and series in English, it is also very helpful to listen to music in English because you get vocabulary easily, and it's pure American vocabulary. I need to improve my grammar. I learnt a lot about culture of Bangladesh, and other countries.

Monday, March 27, 2017



Safety box: A box,usually located inside a bank,which is used to store valuables.
Dreadful: Extremely bad, unpleasant, or offensive
Tweezers: A small tool of two pieces of metal joined at one end, used for plucking out hairs, etc
Resultado de imagen de tweezers
Splinter: A
 small, thin, sharp piece of wood, bone
Escort: Protection or supervision
Briefcase: A flat case with a handle, often of leather, for carrying books, papers