Thursday, October 13, 2016

Vocabulary of the week


ESTUARY: Mouth of a river open to the sea originates on coasts with strong tides. Fresh river water in a estury mixes with salt water entering the mouth of the estuary from the sea
CLIFFS: High,steep rock faces, especially at the edge of the sea 
DELTA: Accumulation of materials(sand and stones) deposited by the river in a shallow part of the coast where it meets the sea and often triangular-shaped
SHALOW: Not deep
CAPES: Piece of land extending out into the sea
PLATEAU: Large areas of flat or slightly hilly land unlike plains, higger than the land around them
PLAINS: Large areas of flat or slightly hilly land not much higher than the sea level,formed by accumulation of sediment from erosion
CHANNEL: A narrow body of water between a continent and an island
BANK OF THE RIVER: Sloping land (especially the slope beside a body of water
COLLIDE: To strike each other forcefully
STEEP SLOPES: having or being a slope or gradient approaching the perpendicular  
RAVINE: A narrow steep-side valley usually created by the effects of running water off the soil over a long time
GRASSLAND: Farmland used for grazing or pasture
INSULATE: To cover or separate with a material that prevents or reduces the passage of the heat, electricity, or sound

1 comment:

  1. Hi Teresa I dont know why it has put the letter in green and a paragraph in an other tipe of letter. It says it contains something of https and when I try to correct it, it won't let me!!!!!!!
