Saturday, March 11, 2017



ESSAY: A short piece of writing on a particular theme or subject
TOW: To pull or haul(a car,etc) by a rope, chain, etc 
SERIAL: Anything published, broadcast, etc, in parts at regular
GESTURE: A movement or position of the hand, arm, body, head, or face that expresses an idea, opinion, emotion, etc
GAP: A break or opening
NOD: To make a slight, quick bending movement of the head, as in agreement, greeting, or command
AMUSING: Having committed an offense, crime, violation, or ilegal actions
THRILLED: To (cause to) feel a sudden wave of emotion or excitement
BURST OUT: To give sudden expression to a feeling
SOOTHED: To offer comfort to
FORGERY: The crime of falsely making or changing writing or a signature. The person who commits that crime is called forger
ARSON: The crime of deliberately setting fire to property, this crime is commited by an arsonist
BURGLARY: The crime of breaking into and entering the house, office, etc of another person to steal. The person who commits this crime is a burglar
PICKPOCKET: To steal from pockets of other people. The person who does that is called a pickpocket
HIJACK: To seize (an airplane or other vehicle) by threat or by force. The person who commits rhis crime is a hijacker
FRAUD: Trickery carried out for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage. The person who commits that crime is a fraudster
MUG: An assault or threat of violence upon a person, with intent to rob. The person who does that is a mugger
BLACKMAIL: An act of frightening someone into making a payment of money, as by revealing secrets. The person who blackmails is called blackmailer
SPEED: The act of practice of exceeding the speed limit. The person who speeds is called speeder
PLASTER: A solid preparation spread upon cloth or other  material to from a case, then applied to the bod. It is used for holding a broken limb in place
CELLS: A small room, such as in a convent or a prison
JURY: A group of people who are sworn to decide a case or give a verdict by examining the evidence in a court
INNOCENT: Free from legal wrong 
GUILTY: Having committed an offense, crime, violation, or ilegal actions
RUN OVER: To hit with a vehicle, causing severe injury or death results

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