Wednesday, December 14, 2016



English with Cristina is awesome, because while we learn lots of interesting things, we have fun doing lots of activities. I think on this term I´ve joust learned a little bit of grammar, but  I have learned lots of new expressions.I have also learned a lot how to use technology.My favorite activity was the project in which we had to move while we were lip dubbing, because listening to songs and singing them is a very good way to learn English, because you hear real American vocabulary and it is easier to learn it than joust studding. I think I am very good at speaking, but I need to learn how to write with out making grammar mistakes, this is the hardest thing for me to do and that I have to change. I think the part of culture that we learned is quite interesting to know and I think we should know those types of things. 

Monday, November 28, 2016



Famine: starvationa
Birth rate(B.R): the ratio of total live births in a specified community or area over a specified period of time. The birthrate is often expressed as the number of live births per 1000 of the population per year
Death rate(D.R): The ratio of total deaths to total population in a specified communityor area over a specified period of time. The death rate is often expressed as the number of deaths per 1000 of the population per year
Natural increase (N.I):number of births minus the number of deaths
Real Natural Increase(R.N.I): It's the N.I divided by the total population and multiplied by 100
Infant mortality rate: number of deaths of infants under 1 year
Family planning: When people think more carefully having children because of different reasons
More Economical Developed country(MEDC): rich countries
Less Economical Developed Countries(LEDC): poor countries
Overpopulation: It occurs if the number of people in a group excedes the carring capacity of the región occupied by the group
Underpopulation: Having a lower population density tan njormal or desirable
Life expectancy: number of years that an individual is expected to live as determined by statistics
Birth control: Voluntary prevention of conception by a man or a woman through the use of contraceptive techniques
Ageing population: phenomenon in which the median age of population in a region or country rises significantly when compared to the population. This is caused by declining birth rate or rising life expectancy
Dependent population: part of the population that does not work and relies on others for the goods and services that they consume
Dependency ratio: Is an age-population ratio of those typically not in the labor force and those typically in the labor force. It is used to measure the pressure on the productive population
Population pyramids: Is a graphical illustration that shows the distribution of various age groups in a population
Replacement rate:
Fertility rate: the number of live births per 1000 women aged 15-49 in one year
Gravedigger: someone whose job consists in digging graves
Graves: A place of burial

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Friday, November 18, 2016



Here we have the notes of endurance and flexibility and also the ones of basketball

Monday, November 14, 2016

Vocabulary of the week


No news, good news: Not hearing any news signifies that nothing is wrong
Surgeon: A physician who specialize in sourgeon
To be allowed to: That it is permited to do it
Eye-catching: Attracting attencion
Beakers: A cuplike container used in a laboratory
Ought to: Should
Mrs: Mistress
Cockney: An inhabitant of the East End of London,England
Posh: Elegant, luxurious
Wallabies: A small to medium sized animal of the kangaroo family
Didgeridoo:A musical instrument of Australia Aborigines made from along wooden tube that is blown into to create a low drone

Ta Moko:

Sunday, November 6, 2016



Layer:A thickness of some matrial laid on or spread over a surface
Deiduous:Losing the leave every year
Evergreen: Having green leaves throughout the year
Lush: Growing in great number or amount
Milder: Gentle or soft in feeling
Landmass: A part of the Earths crust standing above sea level  and having a distinct identify, as a continet or large island
Tiber: The wood of trees used for constrution
Aging: The lenght of time during wich a being or thing has existed
Seek: To search for
Lack: Not enough of something needed or desired

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Trip to Valladolid


I think the trip to Valladolid was good, it wasn't too far and it was quite interesting.First we saw by our own a little bit of Valladolid, which I liked.After we went to a concert, and in my opinion it was a quite boring concert.Later we went to Carrefour and we had fun although we couldn't go to Mc Donalt's because in the end there weren't any.Next we got on the bus and went to see the Penafiel's castle and it's wine museum, which I would of enjoyed more if it was guided.Afterwards a guide showed us the castle and told us some information about it(it's history, the material that they used to construct it,it's rooms), I think it could be interesting for people who like castles, but not for me. I have to say that it had wonderful views. Last we got on the bus and we went directly to Villamayor.....

Saturday, October 22, 2016



This landscape is in Brazil, it is the amazonian rainforest.It is located in the ecuatorial lanscape       (in the hot zones).In this place it rains all year long and very hard.Temperatures are normally high.As you can see it the picture the vegetation here is very lush and very green
As you can see in the picture the river (that crosses through the other lanscape) it has a high flow and it is also regular
Here you can find real dangerous and wird animals.Here animals are very different, some are small,some big,some can climb trees, some can fly,etc



Go abroad:Travel to another country
Tip:Money you give to a worker for a good service
Either:One or the other 
Neither:Not one or the other
Short-sighted:Person who can only clearly see object that is close to them
Absent-minded:Person who often forgets things or does not pay attention to what is happening near them because they are thinking about other things
Big-headed, Pig-headed: Stubborn
One-armed: Only has one arm
One-legged: Only has one leg
Rude: Ill-mannered, discourteous or insulting
Nevertheless: However
Cocky: Overly self-assertive or self-confident
Currency: Money in any form when in actual use as a medium of exchange, especially circulating paper money
Bustling: Exciting and often noisy activity
Feel homesick: Miss home because you are away
Settle into: To become confortable in a new place or situation

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Names of wird fauna and plants









Canary Island pine:

Dragon tree:











Tizon lizard:

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Vocabulary of the week


ESTUARY: Mouth of a river open to the sea originates on coasts with strong tides. Fresh river water in a estury mixes with salt water entering the mouth of the estuary from the sea
CLIFFS: High,steep rock faces, especially at the edge of the sea 
DELTA: Accumulation of materials(sand and stones) deposited by the river in a shallow part of the coast where it meets the sea and often triangular-shaped
SHALOW: Not deep
CAPES: Piece of land extending out into the sea
PLATEAU: Large areas of flat or slightly hilly land unlike plains, higger than the land around them
PLAINS: Large areas of flat or slightly hilly land not much higher than the sea level,formed by accumulation of sediment from erosion
CHANNEL: A narrow body of water between a continent and an island
BANK OF THE RIVER: Sloping land (especially the slope beside a body of water
COLLIDE: To strike each other forcefully
STEEP SLOPES: having or being a slope or gradient approaching the perpendicular  
RAVINE: A narrow steep-side valley usually created by the effects of running water off the soil over a long time
GRASSLAND: Farmland used for grazing or pasture
INSULATE: To cover or separate with a material that prevents or reduces the passage of the heat, electricity, or sound

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Vocabulary of the week


FORTNIGHT: Period of 14 days in a row
GOTTA: Abbreviation of I have to go....
WHEN DID YOU LAST?: Expression to say when was the last time you...?
UPDATE: To incorporate new information
STUMBLE: Trip or fall
IT'S AGES SINCE...!: Meaning for a long period of time with out something
GET FIRED: Synonym for kick out
FAIRY TALES: Stories or tales about imaginary things
KNITTING: To make by joining or interlocking loops of yarn by hand with knitting needles or by machine
HARM: Injury or damage
PECKED: To stike or pierce with the break
SHELTER: A building serving as a temporary place to live in, as for the homeless or unwanted animals
COTTAGE: A small,modest house at a lake,mountain resort,etc, owned or rented as a vacation home
SIGHT: The power or ability of seeing
SELDOM: Not very often 

Saturday, October 1, 2016

This is the new blog where I'm going to post the vocabulary that I am going to learn in class. I'm also going to post the projects that we are gonna do in our classes of English, Geography and P.E
Resultado de imagen de class images



DEVICE: Machine or tool used for an especific task

REHEARSAL: The act of practicing in preparation for a public performence

CAN'T SLEEP A WINK: Not to sleep at all 

LIP DUB: Type of video that combines lip synching and audio dubbing to make a music video

Vocabulary of the week


DUE TO: Because of

DUMP: Water controlled by a barrier

STREAMS: Small river that comes from a bigger one

IRRIGATION SYSTEM: To supply (lands or crops) with water by means of pipes, sprinklers, ditches or streams

AIR CURRENTS: Air moving from an air of high pressure to an area of low preasure

CARTOGRAPHY: The art or technique of making maps or charts

Wednesday, September 28, 2016



Our first project is gonna be make a playback with third A.I think this project is going to be real fun  and that when we finish editing it were going to laugh at ourselves.This is gonna be good cause it is gonna help us lose the shame of doing it wrong.
Here's the song that be have to do lipdub

Let's do it the best that we can

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Vocabulary of the 1st week

Disruptive behaviour: Actions that interupts the class or prevent's the children from learning. Examples: shouting,throwing things, standig up with out permision,...

Disturb: Interroupt something

Reluctance and unwillingness: Not wanting to do something

Littering: throwing things. This term comes from litter that means bin

Liar: Person that does not tell the truth